2014 Monterey Jazz Festival
Brian Blade is drummer who has worked extensively with many great jazz musicians such as Wayne Shorter as well with his own group, Brian Blade Fellowship. He is also a guitarist and singer / songwriter which is the main focus on his 2009 album, Mama Rosa.
Brian is one of the greatest jazz drummers today and has a very expressive and compositional approach to the drums.
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Brian Blade plays various drumsets and sticks to the same set of cymbals.
Canopus Drums: Source
16″ x 14″ Bass Drum / 15″ x 6.5″ Ludwig Chrome-Over-Brass Snare Drum (1920s era) / 12″ x 8″ Tom / 14″ x 14″ Floor Tom
Gretsch Drums (made in 1963): Source
20″ Bass Drum / 13″ Tom / 16″ Floor Tom
Ayotte Drums:
24″ Bass Drum / 12″ Tom / 16″ Floor Tom
Sonar Drums (made in 1971):
18″ Bass Drum
Other Drums:
Canopus Zelkova
15″ Zildjian Hi-hats (1960s)
22″ Zildjian K Constantinople Light Ride
24″ Zildjian A Ride (1960s)
22″ Spizzichino Ride
Vic Firth Sticks and Mallets
Wincent Sticks
Ludwig, Regal Tip and Cannon Brushes
Remo Heads and Aquarium Heads
Gibson LG-3
1930s Gibson Cromwell Archtop
Gibson 175-T
Brian Blade Fellowship
Hey guys, there’s no such thing as ‘Sonar Drums’ .. it’s ‘Sonor Drums’ 🙂
.. and Aquarian drumheads. Not Aquarium, haha!